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Wunderlist, now available for Linux

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James Gifford
published Sept. 20, 2011, 10:46 a.m.

Well, it is a interesting day, and it's only 12:30PM (where I am)!

Via the <a href="">Wunderlist blog</a>, Wunderlist is now available for Linux. I've downloaded it and I'm extremely pleased with it. Screenshot is below:


<img src="" />

That's about all there is to it - according to OMG! Ubuntu!, it also have Unity bar support, but not quicklists (limitation of how it's made unfortunately).

Some might ask "Why did they bother with a Linux client, they've already got a WebApp, a Windows client and a Mac client" - and you'd be right to ask that, because for most companies that would be good enough. However, they said "We release a Linux version because there was demand for it, and they wouldn't stop bugging us" (paraphrasing, but it's pretty close).

So, kudos to the Wunderlist team, we appreciate it!

Instructions for installing it are here

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