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How to install Blender 2.4 and 2.6 side by side

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Roland Taylor
published Sept. 8, 2012, 12:07 p.m.

<em>So, as often happens, it's been a while since my last post, which was a rant, partly because of some frustrating developments in 12.10. Thankfully, some of these have been sorted, and positivity has return to the land of news for human beings ;)</em>

And now for the actual news.

So today I wanted to update blender, as it has been acting kinda wonky recently, and sometimes causing Compiz to lock up. It turns out that the usual Cheleb PPA is down, and won't be back. I was terrified when I learned of this, and thought all hope was lost, but alas, a new PPA has arisen.

This PPA is updated weekly and stops updates only if there is something wrong with in the svn versions. It contains both 2.6. and 2.4. (Now that's awesome). So, without much further a do:

<code>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install blender blender2.4</code>

<strong>Update:</strong> <s>these only work on 3. bit systems (I missed that detail at first).</s> Turns out the 64bit build failed recently, it supports both 32 and 64bit architectures.